Event 1
13 entries
Stock FWD
1 entry
Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
profile photo
Nicholas Mueller
SFTorrington, CT
Stock AWD
2 entries
Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
Michael Chace
SAJohnston, RI
profile photo
Laura Piscitello
SABelmont, NH
Prepared FWD
2 entries
Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
Dmitry Beliaev
PFMarlborough, MA
profile photo
Ethan McCammon
PFdover, NH
Prepared AWD
3 entries
Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
Ian Fisher
PAAmherst, MA
profile photo
Jacob Huppe
PATroy, NHGoPro, Ryno Power, Spy Optic
Maxim Merkuryev
PANashua, NH
Modified RWD
2 entries
Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
profile photo
George Farrar
MRCharlton, MAHOT Racing
profile photo
Nick Piscitello
MRSomersworth, NH
Modified FWD
1 entry
Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
profile photo
Stephanie Reeve
MFSturbridge, MAfcpeuro, KaroppiRacing, BakersBoffins
Modified AWD
2 entries
Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
Catherine Denmeade
MAEast Haddam, CTMeadeSports
Jeff Denmeade
MAEast Haddam, CTMeadeSports

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.